Als Reaktion auf das Xte-Mozilla Mission Statement

1) Again and again, nobody speaks of Thunderbird. Mozilla always claims to be more than a browser, but it's messaging client fails to evolve completely (latest release proves it painfully).
CalDAV, CardDAV, all these hot issues are widely undiscussed in the Mozilla house.
Web-based messaging solutions take over on both sides and add-ons like the SOGo-connector deliver absolute basic functionality. Very, very sorry to say that, again.

2) IMHO, the next challenge is not addressed to Mozilla at all, because it is a hardware issue: We need to decentralize all of those social network contribution - and in turn centralize them in our homes. If i will ever give something of broad use to mankind, then it is the personal server, a web-active router and secure (RAID) storage in one cheap gadget, delivered with your ISP contract, just as are routers today.

The crucial component is of course the firmware: initialization of about 12 big services on the new gadget is to be a breeze:

  • website hosting, including
    • your very own facebook page
    • bLog
    • microBLog
  • messaging data, including
    • email
    • contacts
    • calendar
  • media hosting, including
    • videos
    • photos
    • music
  • p2p-clients
  • code hosting

Anybody interested in the development process, get in contact. Industrial partners definitely wanted.

Lesezeichen aus der Mumble-Session vom 1.11.2013:

The Monkeysphere Project
"Dark Mail Alliance" arbeitet an abhörsicherer Mail | heise online
Calomel SSL Validation Firefox Add-on @
The CuBox i From SolidRun | The Litle Computer that can
I2P - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Freenet – Wikipedia
Tahoe-LAFS - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Freebox Révolution en détail
Melchior blausand Saturday 16 July 2011 at 01:01 am | | nicht unlösbar
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